Artem Dunaev wake skates in Crest WaterSports, Limassol, Cyprus

It’s a tradition, that Andrej’s Rigin annual wake camp takes place here at Crest Watersports center on Cyprus. But this year, to support the camp and Crest we welcome Artem Dunaev – winner of wake skate world championship. Artem already demonstrated a number of impressive skate tricks and shared a tip or two with camp guests. Tight schedule didn’t allow just to sit on a couch for a few relaxing minutes and to ask famous rider about his career, daily life and how he actually ended up being a pro wake skater. But finally came a moment when everybody went dead tired with their daily rides and jumps, so we nested in a chillout and started chatting.
Artem Dunaev
Was born on 12 of November in 1987 in the central Moscow administration district.Studied in the First Medical University, but now graduating the University of Physical culture and sports.As a kid he took part in all kinds of sports, like the other kids and was even spotted in “make it yourself” stuffed toys club. But then he found a skateboard in the junk pile and started riding with his friends. The level grew, especially after opening of Adrenalin (skate park in Moscow). Meanwhile Artem decided to try windsurfing and moved to Aqualeto club, where he met Adrej Rigin.
«During a few days of no wind, Andrej offered me to try wakeboarding. After a few front edge crushes, I immediately decided to give up wake, but some good folks gave me a wake skate to try and then things became interesting. I joined the Wakebrothers club, learning how to drive the boat and teaching other people to wake skate underway. Rigin taught me the main and basic principles. So when happened the first Russian wake skate competition, I won and became the first Russian champion.After five years, I got into riding in cable parks and took a new direction. I got hooked up so badly, so spent a few winters training in Thai.»
It’s important to mention, that in the beginning Artem was really scared to fly. So the problem appeared: how to get to Thai, but not by air. So for his first trip, Artem took the train. It took two weeks, numerous adventures and a handful of transport changes. The last stage of the trip, Artem managed to do by bus. People are different everywhere, but he got along with all of them.
«After a while I started taking part in more serious competitions, world cup events and big wake skate championships. Of course, good results didn’t come immediately. The season of 2011 I had to skip, because of a major kneecap injury. Also this year I had a short time to practice, so I had to get in shape just before the competition. But still managed to win Extreme Fantasy Evolution event and pulled the double kick flip, a trick performed by just a couple of athletes worldwide. This year I took part in a wake skate world championship in Abu Dhabi and took the third place.»
Straight after Rigin’s wake camp, Artem is heading to Philippines to continue his training and to prepare for the future competitions. Our Crest Team is very grateful to Andrej Rigin, for a chance to meet a rider of such a level and wishes Artem all the luck in his future battles for the medal.
Andy Khitrovo
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